***Edit: please see the next post where i explained this behavior.
When we flush and commit an ISession in Nhibernate, it goes to database to flush all changes even if you just make nothing but some select queries***. Here is an experimental test case and its result:
When we flush and commit an ISession in Nhibernate, it goes to database to flush all changes even if you just make nothing but some select queries***. Here is an experimental test case and its result:
private void CanGetDineInTableByGroup()
TableGroup tableGroup = this._dineInTableModel.GetTableGroupById(
new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111"));
var dineInTables = this._dineInTableModel.GetTablesByGroup(tableGroup);
Here is the result:
*** ConsoleOutput ***
NHibernate: SELECT tablegroup0_.TableGroupId as TableGro1_0_0_, tablegroup0 …
NHibernate: SELECT tablegroup0_.TableGroupId as TableGro1_0_0_, tablegroup0 …
NHibernate: select dineintabl0_.DineInTableId as DineInTa1_3_, dineintabl0 …
NHibernate: UPDATE DineInTable SET RowVer = @p0, DineInTableName, …
NHibernate: UPDATE DineInTable SET RowVer = @p0, DineInTableName = @p1,…
NHibernate: UPDATE DineInTable SET RowVer = @p0, DineInTableName = @p1,…
NHibernate: UPDATE DineInTable SET RowVer = @p0, DineInTableName = @p1,…
I am using uNHAddins here. CloseConversation is a convenient method to call session.Flush() and transaction.Commit() entirely controlled by uNHAddins.
As you can see, there are four update queries. Anyone knows why, please leave a comment.
Another important “gotcha “, after closing a conversation/flush & commit, if you try to execute query in a different Session with detached object of previous Session you will probably get an error like this:
private void CanGetDineInTableByGroup()
TableGroup tableGroup = this._dineInTableModel.GetTableGroupById(
new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111"));
var dineInTables = this._dineInTableModel.GetTablesByGroup(tableGroup);
IList<DineInTable> tablesByGroup = this._dineInTableModel.GetTablesByGroup(tableGroup);
CanGetDineInTableByGroup : Failed
*** Failures ***
NHibernate.TransientObjectException: object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing. Type: Xenon.XenonPOS.DomainModel.Entities.TableGroup, Entity: Xenon.XenonPOS.DomainModel.Entities.TableGroup
NHibernate.TransientObjectException: object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing. Type: Xenon.XenonPOS.DomainModel.Entities.TableGroup, Entity: Xenon.XenonPOS.DomainModel.Entities.TableGroup
Here is what you need to make the test pass:
private void CanGetDineInTableByGroup()
TableGroup tableGroup = this._dineInTableModel.GetTableGroupById(
new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111"));
var dineInTables = this._dineInTableModel.GetTablesByGroup(tableGroup);
IList<DineInTable> tablesByGroup = this._dineInTableModel.GetTablesByGroup(tableGroup);
SaveOrUpdateTableGroup() is actually opening a brand new ISession and attaching detached tableGroup to that session. Rest of the methods is sharing this same new Session.
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